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What is the recycling project?
The Recycling Project aims to inspire your fundraising support of the athletes and to foster great recycling practices for all: two very worthy causes.
The Project utilises the recycling of eligible containers through the NSW “Return & Earn” scheme. As we all know, recycling is an important global and local issue that we need to help solve to keep our planet clean and healthy.

Did you know that every eligible container raises 10cents?
In addition to those containers from your household, you can ask your friends and relatives, your neighbours and doorknock your street to collect more.
You can try workplaces you know or ask local clubs to save them just for you so you can get as many as you can.
All the International Squad athletes are collecting eligible containers already and your commitment to the Recycling Project is equally valuable to the athletes and the Club.
On behalf of all International Squad Athletes and their parents, we all thank you.
How can I recycle ?
Drop your eligible containers in the specifically labelled Yellow Bins located at SXL.
Simply redeem your eligible containers at the Return & Earn Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) at the top of Lower Gibbes St – where SXL is located
– and submit your Voucher to the Front Desk.
What to know about RVM’s
Pre-sorting is recommended. Machines are either Glass-only or for Plastics and other containers. Simply insert the containers into the RVM. Once completed, press the Voucher button.
A small paper voucher is issued which, can be handed in to the front desk at SXL
A maximum of 500 containers can be accepted at one time. If they become full they will close and remain closed until emptied.
What can I Recycle?
What is an Eligible Container?
Eligible containers, of which there’s quite an array, include:
- Glass,
- Plastic,
- Aluminium cans – NB: not crushed,
- Steel, or
- Liquid paperboard, ie cartons
Containers that are not included in the Scheme and, therefore, do not qualify for a refund are:
- plain milk or milk substitute containers
- flavoured milk containers of 1 litre or more
- pure fruit or vegetable juice containers of 1 litre or more
- glass containers for wine and spirits
- casks(plastic bladders in boxes) for wine and casks for water of 1 litre or more
- sachets for wine of 250 millilitres or more
- containers for cordials, or concentrated fruit and vegetable juices
- registered health tonics
There are 2 ways to identify an eligible container:
- At first glance, you will always see the following on eligible containers:
Bar codes must be able to be read by the RVM. For example, crushed cans are often unreadable, as are paper labels that have been removed or damaged.
Other containers may also have the following written on it:
These are usually eligible under the NSW but should be checked for eligibility on the website if in doubt.
- Return & Earn Container Database: to definitively search for eligible containers:
- This is located at Under the “How it Works” menu, “Part 1: Collect eligible bottles and cans”, you will see “Container Database” highlighted. If you click on that, you can enter the products Barcode to identify whether your container is eligible.
- If in doubt, you can also simply try at the RVM. If it’s approved, it will accept it. If ineligible, it will reject it and you will need to dispose of it yourself.
Our advice is to check the barcode if in doubt prior to presenting at the RVM. Ineligible containers are simply not accepted by the RVM. And please remember that cans should not be crushed.
Where can I find out more?
Return & Earn website:
Check your barcode: Container Database:
Questions: Please call or email Michael Turner: 0402245636 / email us