My gymnastics career started in 2005, (age 5) when my parents enrolled my brother and I in our first trampoline/recreational gymnastics classes under the Rooty Hill Youth Club program. Since then, gymnastics became a central aspect of my life, with my family life becoming almost entwined with my gym life. I was fortunate enough to come across Acrobatic Gymnastics, where for the next few years I would come to represent the State at National Championships in 2009, 2011 and 2012.
Upon entering high school, I made the decision to take a break from gymnastics in 2013. In this period of time I would start my coaching career at SGAC. Driven by a desire to return to Acrobatics, I resumed training in 2016 with SXL gymnastics.
It has always been a dream of mine to compete at the international level, and every day of training and competing under this insanely beautiful and athletic sport is a blessing. I give my sincere thanks to everyone who supports and enables my team to realise our dreams and bear the fruits of our hard work.